We will NOT open if the heat index/feels like temperature will be in the single digits while we are open. Please check here, our Facebook page or call us at 978-464-2854 if we’ve had snow or icy weather within the last 24 hours to see if we’ve had to cancel open hours due to any weather or other complications.
If you’d like to make a donation online to Wachusett Earthday please click here and click on the Donate button. Your donation will help us to continue to improve the site, offer new options for recycling and better store and display items for reuse or transport them to other organizations.
Building drop off: You can drop off 2 boxes but they MUST close and MUST be 30 lbs or less. We are going to start rejecting those that don’t meet this criteria. We simply can’t manage the literal ton of material dropped off on each open day if it’s not packed correctly. Thank you for your help.
Welcome! We accept curbside recycling items, textiles and many hard to recycle items (some with a fee).
We also have tons of free items for reuse throughout the site.
In addition, we hold document shredding, latex paint and household hazardous waste collection events a few times per year for residents of our member towns. Read on for more information, send us a message, give us a call, or check out our Facebook page. DEP regulations prohibit us from accepting trash or lawn/brush waste or creosote lumber.
Site Entry: Everyone must go through Check In. We track participation for the towns.
ReUse Building Drop Off: Drop remains at MIBOX unit along the exit road. Items MUST be in boxes with closed lids. Please read the post below for additional information about the: ReUse Building.
Yes! We need your help
As an almost completely all-volunteer operation, we rely on our volunteers to keep the site open. Please consider helping out, if only for one slot/week (or month). We are friendly, welcoming folks.
How YOU can help us increase our Open Hours
You can help us to increase our open hours without becoming a volunteer. When inquiries are made to why we...
Pricing of Household Project Demolition and Construction Debris
Size matters We’ve added some new visual aids near our Check In booth to help volunteers and residents understand how...
Pricing of Sectional Sofas
Sectionals come in many configurations. When they come to the Recycle Center each section is priced individually – not priced...
Large Composters
We have a few Earth Machine Composters left. We sell them for only $25. Kitchen scrap buckets are now available...
What is Textile Recycling?
Most of us are familiar with Goodwill, Salvation Army or Saver's donation sites for wearable items - but there are...
Rainwater - an Untapped Resource!
Rainwater Collection Ideas Bad puns aside - here are some ideas for reusing rainwater. It could save you both money...
Composting 101
Home Composting What is Composting? Composting is a controlled process of decomposition of organic materials. Naturally occurring soil organisms recycle...
ReUse Building - Please read
ReUse Building Entry: We allow 40 people at a time into the building for 15 minutes at a time. You...