See below for informational websites and a list of other places where you may be able to take a variety of items to be reused, recycled or disposed of properly. It includes some vendors and organizations that Wachusett Watershed Regional Recycling Center has a relationship with, as well as other regional resources. Check back frequently for updates and postings of other local area drop off events.
Contact the organization listed before you go! Please let us know of changes/additions to this list.
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General Information
Recycling information on everything from air conditioners to yard signs can be found by searching:
Recyclopedia at recyclesmartma.org
Look up items to recycle by zip code at Earth911.com
Arts, crafts, office supplies and office furniture, new or like new only: Devens Eco-Efficiency Center
Asbestos should be handled by professionals. Learn more here: asbestos.com and asbestos.handling-disposing-asbestos
Bikes, parts, carriers, etc. at Worcester Earn A Bike
Books, hardcover, paperback, antiquarian, audio books on CD; music CDs, LPs, DVD: More Than Words
Books, soft cover: Worcester County Jail
Cell phones: Sterling Animal Shelter
Construction and demolition debris. These sites have public scales for bulk waste disposal and you pay by weight.
E.L. Harvey – Fitchburg
Waste Management – Fitchburg/Westminster landfill
Charles George – AKS recycling Fitchburg
E.L. Harvey – Westborough
Superior Waste and Recycling – Worcester
Casella – Auburn, MA
Contact lenses and packaging: Canterbury Vision (West Boylston)
Crayons, towards end of life: The Crayon Initiative
Currency, foreign, bills and coins: UNICEF Change for Good
Dehumidifiers in working order. Open to residents of towns served by Cape Light Compact, Eversource, National Grid, or Unitil: www.masssave.com/shop/recycling/dehumidifier
Electronics, appliances, any condition. No CRT monitors or CRT TVs:
All American Recycling (fees charged)
Electronics Takeback Programs Directory
Local FREE electronics recycling programs
Eyeglasses, hearing aids and prescription sunglasses: Lions Club accepts intact, no missing lenses or broken frames. Drop off items at Walmart Vision Centers.
Fluorescent bulbs and tubes:
Residents of Holden, Paxton, Princeton and Rutland can drop them off at town locations. See your town website for details.
Lowes and Home Depot also take them at their in store recycling drop off. Check local stores.
Hazardous Waste: New England Disposal Tech (NEDT, Sutton and Westfield, MA)
Holiday strings of lights (LED only): Holiday LEDs
Household Items:
● Abby’s House Worcester
● Andy’s Attic Worcester (teenage or younger clothing, backpacks etc)
● Central MA Housing Alliance Donations Clearinghouse
● Fresh Start Furniture Bank (Hudson, MA) – homegoods, furniture, linens etc.
● Goodwill Worcester
● Habitat for Humanity ReStore – They also take construction and building supplies:
Worcester: www.habitatmwgw.org
Leominster: www.restorencm.org
● Household Goods (Acton, MA)
Latex paint: Recolor Paints (Hanover, MA) can recycle most but not all, still liquid, latex paints
Medical equipment, gently used only: REquipment Durable Medical Equipment Reuse – Call 800 261 9841 to arrange drop off or pick-up
Musical instruments, stringed and band instruments: Joy of Music – Instruments must be repairable or playable, no pianos or organs
Pens, towards end of life: The Pen Guy
Plastic grocery bags, plastic product overwrap. Most grocery stores will take this. See this list for what is accepted
Plastic plant pots and trays: Check your local Lowe’s store.
Plastic six-pack rings and multi-pack carrier rings: Ringleader
Sharps: SafeNeedleDisposal
Sharps: Mass.gov reference list
Skis, snowboards, hockey sticks, golf clubs, bats, in very good to excellent condition: SkiChair
Stuffed animals: For children experiencing traumatic events: Project Smile
Styrofoam (#6, clean, white, no tape or labels): Gold Circuit E-cycling
Tennis balls: RecycleBalls
● Bay State Textiles accepts a wide variety of textiles in any condition as long as they’re clean, dry and odor-free
● Epilepsy Foundation New England accepts clean, wearable clothing
● Goodwill Worcester
● Mustard Seed – sleeping bags, pillows, bags, blankets
● Salvation Army – textiles to recycle and usable clothing/shoes/accessories
● Veteran’s Inc. – men’s clothing/shoes, travel sized unopened toiletries
● Worcester Animal Shelter – bedding, comforters, blankets & towels (not sheets)
● Sterling Animal Shelter
● NEADS Assistance Dogs – petware, blankets etc.
Tires – auto, motorcycle, bicycle, lawn mower, tractor – on or off the rim.
- Bob’s Tires
- FBS Tire Recycling (fees charged)
Wine corks, no plastic: ReCORK
RAW – Refugee Artisans of Worcester
Terracycle – See the website for the many unusual items you can recycle
You also might consider posting your items on:
● Freecycle
● Craigslist – Worcester, MA (various locations)
● Facebook Marketplace
Please contact us with any corrections to this page.