HOURS: TUES 10am-noon  THUR 2-4pm   1st and 3rd SAT 9am-Noon

Articles posted by Earthday Admin

large composter

We have a few Earth Machine Composters left.

We sell them for only $25. Kitchen scrap buckets are now available for $10.

Pay at Check-in and pick up Earth Machines near the Battery Shed and kitchen scrap buckets at Check in.

Other resources for information on composting and reducing food waste can be found at:

piles of clothing being sorted for textile recycling

Most of us are familiar with Goodwill, Salvation Army or Saver's donation sites for wearable items - but there are more options, even for stained, ripped or unwearable garments/fabrics, shoes, handbags, belts and backpacks.

Check out Mass DEP's great guide here.

Yes that boot with the sole barely hanging on, the single sock, jacket with a broken zipper, stained tablecloth, worn towel, scuffed belt or handbag and threadbare t-shirt all have value in textile recycling.   Drop them off with us or find another option but don't throw them in the trash unless they are contaminated with oil or paint, wet or have an odor that just won't wash out.

Use the MassDEP-supported Beyond the Bin Recycling Directory to search by type of material and your location to find out where in Massachusetts to recycle, reuse, or re-purpose items that don’t belong in your household recycling bin.

water flowing into a rain barrel

Rainwater Collection Ideas

Bad puns aside - here are some ideas for reusing rainwater.  It could save you both money and time (less watering, possibly) and  help the environment.

How to Choose a Rain Barrel for your Backyard

How to Use a Rain Barrel (Home Depot)  

How to Build a Rain Barrel System (WikiHow)

Rain Barrels (Rootsimple.com)


Photo credit - www.greenmatters.com
EPA infographic on composting - one-third of food we produce and buy gets thrown into landfills every year

Home Composting

What is Composting?

Composting is a controlled process of decomposition of organic materials. Naturally occurring soil organisms recycle nitrogen, potash, phosphorus, and other plant nutrients as they convert the material into humus.

Benefits of Composting
Composting is a convenient, beneficial, and inexpensive way to handle your organic waste and help the environment.   It will:

  • Reduce the volume of garbage requiring disposal
  • Save money for you and your community in reduced soil purchases and reduced local disposal costs
  • Enrich the soil. Using compost adds essential nutrients, improves soil structure, which allows better root growth, and increases moisture and nutrient retention in the soil. Plants love compost!

Get started with one of our EarthMachine Composters, now back in stock!

Please visit the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (DEP’s) website to view the complete Home Composting Guide, which explains the elements of a good compost pile, how to make a compost pile, and also the different types of composting bins.

Don’t Trash The Grass!

Did you know that a 1/2 acre lawn in New England produces over 3 ton or nearly 260 bags of grass clippings each year? Think of all the time, money, and effort it would take to bag all those clippings. Why go through all that hassle when it’s really not necessary?

Please view the complete brochure Don’t Trash The Grass - MA Department of Environmental Protection.

For more information:
Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection

US Environmental Protection Agency

from Gloucester, MA website.

WEI recycle center reUse building entrance

ReUse Building Entry:
We allow 40 people at a time into the building for 15 minutes at a time.  You can re-enter the building a second time and we're limiting visitors to no more than 2 bags at a time.   We are no longer requiring masks but if you feel more comfortable wearing one, please do.

ReUse Building Drop Off:

We continue to use the MIBOX drop off along the exit road. We will accept 2 boxes per car per visit else we exceed our capacity for storage and sorting the next day. We continue to average 128 boxes totaling 2,000 lbs to be moved, sorted and processed each day we are open. It's a challenge to get through a literal ton of items. We could use some extra hands on the day after we are open to the public.   If you need to drop off more, please call and we can see when we can arrange for you to drop off more items for handling.

The boxes must weigh no more than 30 pounds have closed lids so we can stack them in the containers. Plastic totes with lids are ok. We have extra boxes and totes available at the exit door of the ReUse building.   We cull the better boxes for reuse vs recycling when we can.W

image of Covid virus

We may increase or decrease days and times without prior notice.  If we do not have enough volunteers for a shift, or the weather makes it unsafe to be working outside, we will not be able to open as planned. Please check our website, Facebook or call to see if we are open.

The ReUse Building is open. 15 people at a time; 15 minutes at a time.

As of June 16 we have been accepting drop off items for the building in the MIBOX storage containers and we will continue this procedure going forward:

– Items must be boxed (not bagged) We can only accept 2 (two) boxes per car per visit.
– You will drop them off in one of two MIBOX storage containers set on left the exit roadway. You will stack them in a storage container so pack accordingly.  Totes with lids are also OK.   Please try and pack before getting to the site so we can keep traffic flowing.

We have extra boxes and totes. We will make them available to you if you need more of them to pack items and then put them out again to take once the items are unpacked.

MASKS: All volunteers and visitors must wear facial coverings over nose and mouth at all times once entering the site.  No exceptions.  If you cannot wear a mask, we ask you send someone else to dispose of your items for you.

-We reserve the right to limit the number of people in any one area at any given time.  We may ask you to remain in your vehicle until others have vacated space near dumpsters or containers. We may need to limit the amount of cars that can access the site on a daily basis
-Limit your party to 1-3 people.
-No line jumping. Please drive in together, park and wait in line for the ReUse building together if you are shopping with someone else.
-We reserve the right to ask anyone to leave who doesn’t comply with these rules. They are non-negotiable.

What can you do?
●If you are approaching from Laurel or Manning Street, you must drive to the end of the line to pull in.   Please do not attempt to do a left hand turn in front of the others who have been waiting in line.
●Do not drop off ‘shoppers’ before you have gone through Check In.
●Please bring small bills too.   One of our greatest hurdles will be minimizing Check In contact so exact change will help this. Checks work well for us too.
● Have items sorted for disposal, recycling or reuse and ready for speedy drop off.
● Be prepared to unload your vehicles yourselves.   Volunteers will have minimal contact with you or your items.
● VOLUNTEER!  We need volunteers now more than ever to be able to open and serve our residents. We also have volunteer hours on Monday, Wednesday and Friday when the site is not open to the public if you’d prefer to help when there is a limited number of people on site.
